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Can I determine the display (resolution) of the measured values myself?

(FAQ Nr. EM105) 14 August 2024 - 15:08 | Heavy Current | current, power and energy display, primary phase conductor voltage
No, that does not work! The resolution depends on the set current and voltage transformers and is therefore independent of the actual measured variable.

Here is an overview:
  • Voltage display of primary phase-to-phase voltage

primary phase-to-phase voltage display dimension via interface
> 60 kV …750 kV xxx.x kV dim. U = 2
> 6 kV …60 kV xx.xx kV dim. U = 1
700 V …6 kV xxxx V dim. U = 0
100 V …600 V xxx.x V dim. U = -1

  • Current display depending on primary current

primary current display dimension via interface
> 60 kA …150 kA xxx.x kA dim. I = 2
> 6 kA …60 kA xx.xx kA dim. I = 1
> 600 A …6 kA xxxx A dim. I = 0
65 A …600 A xxx.x A dim. I = -1
10 A …60 A xx.xx A dim. I = -2
1 A …5 A x.xxx A dim. I = -3

  • Power and energy display depending on the product of
  • primary phase voltage and primary current

primary current display dimension via interface
> 36 GW …112.5 GW xxx.x MkW dim. P = 8
> 3.6 GW …36 GW xx.xx MkW dim. P = 7
> 360 MW …3.6 GW xxxx MW dim. P = 6
> 36 MW …360 MW xxx.x MW dim. P = 5
> 3.6 MW …36 MW xx.xx MW dim. P = 4
> 360 kW …3.6 MW xxxx kW dim. P = 3
> 36 kW …360 kW xxx.x kW dim. P = 2
> 3.6 kW …36 kW xx.xx kW dim. P = 1
400 W …3.6 kW xxxx W dim. P = 0
100 W …300 W xxx.x W dim. P = -1
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