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Difference between inspector and protocol creator (editor) in the job protocol

(FAQ Nr. BP203) 16 October 2023 - 09:02 | BT PRO MANAGER | protocol, user, user account, workflow
In the job log, two different users appear in two different places. "Created by" on the first page of the log and "Examiner" under "Measurement series used" under the bar charts.

Log creator (editor):
The protocol creator (-editor) is the one who is logged into BT PRO Manager with his user account and creates a job and/or edits and saves it afterwards. The creator is the person who signs the log.

The Verifier is the person who is logged into the BT PRO Manager with his user account and reads the measured values from the Metracell BT PRO into the BT PRO Manager.

It is recommended to define a workflow. The person who records the measured values must also read them into the BT PRO Manager in his user account. The verifier can also be the creator of the job log. However, the creator and the checker can also be two different users.
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