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How is the overvoltage protection technically realized in the KONSTANTER?

In overvoltage protection, a comparator independent of the voltage monitor (sense amplifier) and voltage regulator monitors the voltage applied to the load terminals and compares it with the set response value, which in turn is generated by a separate D/A converter with its own reference voltage.

If the output voltage exceeds the response value, an OUTPUT ON OFF operation is triggered via the processor (with temporary activation of the sink function to quickly discharge the output capacitor) and, in addition, the clock for the power transformer is disabled in hardware so that no further power transfer is possible.

By OUTPUT OFF ON the addressed overvoltage protection is reset and the output is activated again. The response time of the overvoltage protection is adjustable, but is minimally up to 200µs.

Provided that the overvoltage protection is set correctly, it reliably protects connected loads from excessive voltage caused by:

  • accidentally too high voltage setting
    • during manual operation
    • with computer control
    • in case of control by means of external analog signal

  • accidental reverse polarity connection of the sense lines

  • incorrect switching sequence of the load and sense lines by means of relays when the output is active (nominal sequence: first switch on load then sense lines; first switch off sense then load lines).

  • Malfunction or defect in the device
    It does not provide protection for the device against defects caused by applying voltages of the same polarity to the output terminals that exceed the specified value of the regenerative voltage strength.
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