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How can example sequences from MYGMC be transferred to the SECUTEST?

In our MyGMC portal, sample sequences are available for download in two different formats.
On the one hand in XML format for import via the IZYTRONIQ software and on the other hand in UDS format for direct import via USB stick.
Required firmware: >03.00.00

To import an XML file via IZYTRONIQ, please proceed as follows:
  • Unzip the downloaded file
  • Start the IZYTRONIQ
  • Movable objects
    Ortsveränderliche Objekte PG430.PNG
  • Import
    Importieren PG430.PNG
  • XML → Now select the unzipped file in XML format and import it Datei auswählen PG430.PNG
  • The sequence can now be exported to the SECUTEST

To import a UDS file directly, proceed as follows:

  • Unzip the downloaded ZIP file onto a USB stick
  • Insert this into the SECUTEST
  • Select Setup → Database → Import → Now select the file
Datenbank Secu PG430.PNG Import SecuPG430.PNG

  • Unzip the downloaded ZIP file onto a USB stick
  • Insert this into the SECUTEST
  • Select Setup → Own sequences → Load from file
EigeneSeq PG430.PNG AusDatei PG430.PNG Erfolgreich Impo PG430.PNG

The sequence can then be found as usual as a selection under "Standard/Test sequence".
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