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How do I change my company logo?

Company logo in reports:

In the single report (the single measurement evaluation) and the multiple report (of the multiple measurement evaluation) a logo is is displayed. By default, this is the BT PRO Manager logo.

You can replace the logo with your own graphic. It will be scaled automatically. Hidden folders must be displayed on your Windows® system. Please refer to your operating system documentation. Your graphic must be in jpg format.

  • Rename your graphic. The file name must be as follows:
    • Single measurement evaluation (single report) = BTpro_Report_Logo.jpg.
    • Multiple measurement evaluation (multiple report) = BTpro_Job_Logo.jpg
  • Start the Windows® Explorer®.
  • Open the path C:\ProgramData\Cellizer\CS-Manager\System You are in a subfolder of the program.
  • Copy your graphic into the folder. The Replace or Skip File dialog will appear.
  • Click the Replace file in destination button.

Your graphic is saved and appears as a logo in the report.
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