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The error message "Check measurement setup" appears when measuring ZSchl, Zi, RE, FI test?

Caution: If the tester displays this general error message, the exact cause cannot be determined by the tester. Check the following possibilities:

The grounding resistance is too high:
. If the ground resistance is too high, but still low enough to allow voltage measurement, the above message will appear. Check the grounding and protective earth connections in your system.

The device fuse is defective:
There are 2 fuses and 2 spare fuses in the battery compartment. Check if the fuses in the two fuse holders are OK and replace a defective fuse. Attention. Only use the original replacement fuses. Other types are not fast enough and will destroy the tester. Replacement fuses can be obtained from our service department: Tel. 0911 / 8602-285 or com

The Schuko measuring adapter or 2-pole adapter is defective:
Test whether you can perform the measurement with the other adapter. If this is the case, the adapter is probably defective. You can get a replacement from our service department.

The test instrument is disturbed:
Unfortunately, there are electrical devices that are not sufficiently interference suppressed. If the electrical interference is very large, the PROFITEST can no longer clearly determine the mains frequency. These interfering devices mainly include those with switched-mode power supplies and devices with inverter control. Switch off these loads during the test, then the measurement should be possible.

There are wrong batteries in the device:
The tester will only work properly if you use alkaline manganese cells or rechargeable batteries. Amber cells are not suitable because they have too high internal resistance and the voltage collapses at high loads. In this case, the relays then no longer pick up properly and no test current can flow. Batteries that are too weak can also be to blame. Check the battery voltage in the UL-N position and check the battery type. Only use battery type LR6 or rechargeable batteries. The R6 type is not suitable. Always replace all batteries, a dead battery below 5 full can cause misinterpretation of the battery voltage test.

The message appears only after the RCD has tripped: %BF% It is possible that a device with a high inductance is also switched off by switching off the RCD. The inductance builds up a high voltage at the moment of disconnection, which the profit test detects and misinterprets. If the current flow through the RCD is interrupted during the RCD test, the Profitest then checks whether the voltage is actually switched off. If voltage is still present, the message "Check test setup" appears. In this case, switch off all loads for the trip test.
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